Journal papers (Dexcom)
- J. van der Linden, J.B. Welsh, T.C. Walker, “Sustainable Use of a Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System from 2018 to 2020,” Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, pre-print, 2021.
- J. van der Linden, J.B. Welsh, I.B. Hirsch, S.K. Garg, “Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic and Its Impact on Time in Range,” Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, vol. 23, S-1-S-7, 2021.
Conference publications (Dexcom)
- [abstract] J. van der Linden, J.B. Welsh, S.A. Puhr, “Variations in Time in Range Assessed by CGM in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic”, Diabetes Technology Meeting, 11 November 2020.
- [abstract] J. van der Linden, J.B. Welsh, A.S. Parker, “Regional COVID-19 Disease Burden and Individual Changes in Glycemic Control”, Diabetes Technology Meeting, 11 November 2020.
Journal papers (MSc & PhD)
- J.H. van der Linden, G.A Narsilio, and A. Tordesillas, “Thermal conductance network model for computerised tomography images of real dry geomaterials,” Computers and Geotechnics, In Press, 2021.
- W. Fei, G.A. Narsilio, J.H. van der Linden, M.M. Disfania, X. Miao, B. Yang, and T. Ashfard, “X-ray computed tomography image and network data of sands under compression,” Data in Brief, In Press, 2021.
- W. Fei, G.A. Narsilio, J.H. van der Linden, and M.M. Disfani, “Network analysis of heat transfer in sphere packings,” Powder Technology, vol. 362, pp. 790-804, 2020.
- J.H. van der Linden, A. Tordesillas, and G.A Narsilio, “Preferential flow pathways in a deforming granular material: self-organization into functional groups for optimized global transport,” Scientific Reports, vol. 9, pp. 18231, 2019.
- W. Fei, G.A. Narsilio, J.H. van der Linden, and M.M. Disfani, “Quantifying the impact of rigid interparticle structures on heat transfer in granular materials using networks,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 143, pp. 118514, 2019.
- J.H. van der Linden, A. Sufian, G.A. Narsilio, A.R. Russell, and A. Tordesillas, “A computational geometry approach to pore network construction for granular packings,” Computers & Geosciences, vol. 112, pp. 133-143, 2018.
- J.H. van der Linden, G.A Narsilio, and A. Tordesillas, “A machine learning framework for analysis of transport through complex networks in porous, granular media: a focus on permeability,” Physical Review E, vol. 94, pp. 022904, 2016.
- J.H. van der Linden, T.B. Jönsthövel, A.A. Lukyanov, and C. Vuik, “The parallel subdomain-levelset deflation method in reservoir simulation,” Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 304, pp. 340–358, 2016.
- R. Weijermars and J.H. van der Linden, “Assessing the economic margins of sweet spots in shale gas plays,” First Break, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 99–106, 2012.
Conference publications (MSc & PhD)
- [paper] J.H. van der Linden, A. Tordesillas, and G.A Narsilio, “Testing Occam’s razor to characterize high-order connectivity in pore networks of granular media: Feature selection in machine learning,” in Powders & Grains, 3-7 July 2017.
- [abstract] M.M. Disfani, G.A. Narsilio, T. Afshar, and J.H. van der Linden, “Synchrotron Tomography in Geotechnical Engineering Applications,” in Australian Synchrotron User Meeting, 24-25 November 2016.
- [abstract] J.H. van der Linden, G.A Narsilio, A. Tordesillas and T.S. Yun, “Predicting conduction parameters in porous media,” in EMI 2015 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, 16-19 June 2015.
- [extended abstract] A.A. Lukyanov, J.H. van der Linden, T.B. Jönsthövel, and C. Vuik, “Meshless Subdomain Deflation Vectors in the Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Iterative Solvers,” in ECMOR XIV - 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 8-11 September 2014.
- Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Dexcom Real-World Data Workshop, June 2021
- TechSD Data Science Day, May 2021
- Challenge4ClimateAction Datathon, March 2021
- Sensor Summit, February 2021
- Diabetes Technology Meeting, November 2020
- Infrastructure Engineering Postgraduate Conference, November 2017
- Data Science Melbourne Meetup, February 2017
- RMIT University Analytics, Statistics and Operations Research, and Data Science Industry Talk and Networking Night, February 2017
- The Third Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter Meeting, November 2016
- Infrastructure Engineering Postgraduate Conference, November 2015 (best presentation award)
- Australian Academy of Science White Conference on Mining Data for Detection & Prediction of Failure in Geomaterials, July 2015
- Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, June 2015
- Infrastructure Engineering Postgraduate Conference, November 2014
- Advances in High Performance Computing and its Applications Workshop, June 2013
- Abingdon Technology Center Applied Mathematics Workshop, June 2013